In Pursuit of Clean Water for All
Have you ever stopped to take note of how easily we get caught up in our routine—so much so that we start taking so many things for granted? Great books have the power to broaden our minds, expand our knowledge, and create a positive impact. But while you may lean on fiction novels to escape into worlds of wonder, you also crave books that connect you to the real world and give you a new perspective on life.

Today, there are so many books and documentaries out there that make you marvel over the simplest things that we’ve gotten so used to. One of the essential lifelines that uphold the livelihood of our modern communities is clean water. We use water for drinking, cooking, bathing, washing, agriculture, and the list goes on. It’s available to us in abundance, any time we need it. If you believe that access to clean water is a basic human right, you’d be appalled by the number of people facing shortages of clean water in remote areas across the globe. In the developing world, women and children travel an average of 6 kilometers, a little over 3.7 miles, more than once a day in search of water. Even when they make it to the source, the water is often contaminated with life-threatening diseases. Sanitary water is just not as easy to come by in these regions.
The way to fix this particular issue is by appreciating what we have at our disposal, then taking a step forward to find out ways to help those who need it the most. By exploring the various methods of providing clean water, you can prepare yourself to get involved in projects and see them through to completion. In his book, Clean Water for Developing Countries, Dr. John Dracup expertly outlines ways of implementing techniques for filtration, disinfection, safe storage, transport, pumping, sanitation, and addressing cultural issues.

John is a civil engineer and hydrologist who teaches water resource engineering and hydrology at the University of California, Los Angeles, and UC Berkeley. His research focuses on the optimization of large-scale water resource systems and the impact of climate change on the global water supply. John has been instrumental in conducting clean water projects in Africa, Central America, and other parts of the developing world. John pools his expertise and years of hands-on experience in this book for readers who want to make change happen. His interview with Books That Make You sheds more light on the gravitas of the subject, the urgency of creating clean water for all, and the importance of helping less privileged communities worldwide. It is a compelling discussion that will make you rethink how you access natural resources.
Clean Water for Developing Countries presents different approaches and case studies to illustrate how to identify the best method to fulfill a specific community’s needs. It takes a closer look at the factors one must consider before providing clean and non-toxic water to people in remote areas. The book covers aspects such as community involvement, water sources, water quality, demand population size, and the location of the society to be served.
Explore your options for serving communities deprived of basic amenities. Let’s aim to get clean water for all – order Clean Water for Developing Countries today.