Do you Know The Water Safety Levels of The Country You’re traveling to?
If you want to be safe on your travels this summer, be sure to know the water safety level of the tap water in the countries where you visit. Americans have grown used to being able to use their tap water for anything and everything, but that’s not the case world-wide. A recent authoritative website lists these seven countries as having the safest tap water to drink:
- Switzerland
- Canada.
- Singapore.
- Scandinavia (Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Sweden, and Norway)
- Great Britain.
- New Zealand
- Germany
Most travelers find the tap water in these countries so pure and delicious that they often bring a few bottles of it back with them.
Sadly, the list of countries where you should never drink the tap water is very long, and growing longer. Among some of the most surprising countries where it is no longer to use the tap water are:
- Ukraine
- The Bahamas
- Brazil
- Fiji
- Cuba
- Puerto Rico
- Taiwan
- United Arab Emirates
- Kenya
- Panama
- Moldova
Another water-related issue to keep in mind is ice cubes. Just because the water is frozen doesn’t mean it’s any safer than the tap water. You have to consider the source. Auto accident lawyers Philadelphia say that ice cubes used in major hotels and restaurants world-wide are going to be okay, as will the bagged ice in groceries and convenience stores. But beware of the ice dispensed by roadside stands and street vendors — it’s questionable.