
3 Ways to Add Environmental Biotechnology to Company Operations

In recent decades, biotechnology has developed to the point where entire industries have benefited significantly from the scientifically proven techniques and solutions it offers. These developments have enabled companies of all sizes to leverage biotechnology solutions, improve productivity, reduce waste, save money, and become more sustainable at the same time. Multiple industries and business verticals have been transformed radically. These include healthcare, manufacturing, environmental services, and of course, agriculture.

Biotechnology solutions have been provably effective for at least 40 years. The experts in the field have developed these methodologies to not only improve their operations but to enable others to do the same. Here are three core biotechnology solutions that you can implement easily and effectively, and see marked improvements to your productivity and your carbon footprint.

1- Source Tracking

Biological contaminants cause over 90 million illnesses each year in the United States alone. Beyond the clear implications for human health, bio-contamination can and does lead to the closure of facilities, recreation areas, and harvesting locations. For agriculture in particular, this can trigger the loss of income and productivity. It can even lead to serious regulatory compliance issues leading to fines and fees on top of productivity losses.

Source tracking solutions enable organizations of every scale to target, locate, and remediate the sources of biological contamination. Identifying the sources of contamination delivers the insight you need to achieve this. Not only might you improve productivity and avoid incurring losses, but you may even be responsible for measurable improvements to your area of operation. This has the potential to boost property values, draw customers, and build a sterling reputation for sustainability.

2- Corrosion Services

The deterioration of materials caused by microorganisms has a well-known negative impact on nearly every industry. Microbes are responsible for approximately 40% of all material corrosion issues within organizations. Microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC) is responsible for productivity losses, increased costs in maintenance and operations, as well as the loss of assets and equipment. MIC also presents health, safety, and environmental hazards in addition to potential productivity losses.

MIC mitigation services start with testing methodologies to spot potential MIC issues, leveraging the insight you need to spot and solve problems, often before they arise. In almost all cases, destruction caused by MIC can be prevented. In some cases it can even be stopped, allowing you to retain or salvage valuable assets and materials.

3- Remediation Services

Industry-related spills, leaks, and waste have been an issue for companies and the areas in which they operate for centuries. Often resulting from suboptimal manufacturing and disposal methods, the predictable result is environmental contamination. This presents efficiency deficits. It also presents several regulatory hazards. Spills and leaks are also a sure way for an organization to develop a poor reputation for sustainability.

To remedy this, biotechnology experts have developed powerful tools and data analysis techniques to make useful informed solutions a reality.

Since the 1970s, biotechnology solutions have been making a significant impact on environmental sustainability, productivity, and loss reduction. If you are not leveraging these solutions now, a whole world of benefits is waiting to be discovered.