Have a Personal Injury Case? Consider Staying Away From Social Media

Maybe you were injured in a slip and fall accident at work, or you got in a car accident, but the other driver refuses to take the blame. Personal injuries and accidents can be frustrating and scary, and with today’s technology, it’s easy to hop on social media and vent about your experience.

While it’s only natural to want to reach out to your virtual support system, it’s often best to keep the details of your personal injury or accident off of social media.

Seek Legal Advice First

According to personal injury lawyers in New York, it’s always a good idea to seek legal advice after an accident. Whether you were injured on the job or were involved in another type of accident, scheduling a consultation with a personal injury lawyer is an important step.

Even if your injuries are minor or if you just have a few questions about your accident, legal advice is the first step to consider before you publicly discuss any of the details of your accident.

A Few Reasons To Rethink Posting on Social Media

After an accident, it may seem like second nature to update your status or post a few pictures of the damage to your car or your injury. Here are a few reasons why you might want to rethink sharing the details on your social media pages like Facebook or Instagram.

Your Posts Can Be Used Against You in Court

Many personal injuries qualify for compensation for damages, emotional distress, or other expenses related to the injury. If you decide to file a claim after an accident or injury, be careful about what you post online.

A smile in a photograph or even venting about the accident can be misconstrued and used against you in court. If you are seeking damages for emotional distress due to the accident, a picture of you smiling (or a post that suggests that your life is happy and good) may negatively affect the outcome of your case.

Your Privacy Settings May Not Be Enough

Many people with social media accounts keep their account private and only allow friends to see what they post.

While this is smarter and responsible that making public posts, it’s important to keep in mind that if you are involved in an accident and have a personal injury lawsuit, you might receive a court order to view your social media accounts. If this happens, your privacy settings won’t matter.

Insurance Companies Scour For Details To Deny Coverage or Compensation

If you’re in an accident and seeking compensation from the other person’s insurance, remember that many insurance companies scope out and gather as much information as they can before they offer compensation. Your social media posts may be just the information they need to deny coverage (your own insurance company) or paying you for damages. The right car accident attorney or one specializing in personal injury can work wonders.

Use Common Sense Before Posting

While you are in the middle of settling your claim after an accident, it’s a good idea to temporarily disable your social media accounts, especially if you don’t trust yourself to keep from posting.

Not sure if your post will be damaging? If you have any doubts about your photo or status update, don’t post it. It’s better to be overcautious and use common sense than take the risk of ruining your chance of receiving compensation for your injuries.