
6 Steps to Create a Moving Timeline That Fits Your Schedule

Finding a new home is exciting for many. The idea of starting over in a new environment is refreshing. The familiar joy of new surroundings and new neighbors is fun, if a little overwhelming at times.

A common mistake made in moving is to try and pack everything up in a single weekend. And if you’ve ever tried that, you’ve taken it yard by yard. Instead, it’s best to take moving inch by inch. This isn’t to say you should go at a snail’s pace. You can create a moving timeline to take the bite out of moving.

1- Organize Your Move

Write out a plan for your move. Decide how much money you want to spend and how much you want to take. Think about what you do and don’t need anymore. If there are items you’d like to get rid of, donate them to your local thrift shop or charity. Be sure to forward all mail and change your address with the post office. Get an ID with your new address as soon as possible.

2- Gather Some Packing Supplies

You should do this as soon as you know you’re moving. There are places that sell tape, bubble wrap, and magic markers. You can check out your local post office or office supply company. Some places will even give you boxes for free. These include most retail and grocery stores.

3- Prioritize Your Packing

For this, you’ll need a permanent marker and a bit of planning. Start by packing items you won’t need immediately. These can be seasonal, such as holiday decorations or summer clothing. Label each box accordingly and take them first to your new place. Find a storage area such as an attic or a basement for these items.

Next, pack up what you know you’ll need. This includes ordinary items like toiletries, non-perishable food, and clothing you wear every day. You can also pack up your favorite books and music CDs. Just make sure you label them so you can use them immediately.

4- Make Arrangements for Your Pets

If you own pets, you are familiar with how the moving process impacts them. To minimize any problems, it’s best to make arrangements for them. Have a trusted neighbor or friend watch them. Or, better yet, find a suitable kennel. You can also use this time to get them up-to-date on their vaccines. Your veterinarian may have recommendations for a kennel. In some cases, you may be allowed to board your pet at the veterinarian clinic.

5- Make Arrangements for Your Utilities

You should consider closing your utility accounts and having your services switched to your new address. Be sure to address any past-due amounts owed before you move. You may even want to put aside money in case you’re asked to pay a deposit.

6- Do a Final Walk Through

Walk through your home and check for any forgotten items. Make sure you do a thorough cleaning and throw out anything you’re no longer using. Throw out old food and clear out your refrigerator. Sweep all floors and mop them. Vacuum and clean carpets as needed.