
New TV PSA to Address Use of Force Announced by The National Police Association

Comply Now, Complain Later

The National Police Association (NPA) has created a new public service announcement for television urging citizens to help police reduce the need to use force by cooperating with lawful orders. This will be the first PSA of a new campaign informing people of the dangers of fleeing or resisting the police. It’s called “Comply Now, Complain Later.”

Use of Force is Always Ugly

Any confrontation between citizens and police officers contains the potential for triggering chaos. No one knows how each incident will turn out. When police must use force to make people comply with their orders, citizens and police are often injured and some are killed. Each year, over 50,000 police officers suffered assaults that led to injury or death.

The National Police Association believes it’s better for citizens to complain to the authorities after the incident about any perceived mistreatment by the police than to force an immediate, unwanted confrontation.

Preventable Risks

The NPA urges the public to refrain from this dangerous behavior. The new PSA campaign is designed to spread the word through the news media about the preventable nature of injuries that result from confronting police officers. These incidents simply do not have to happen.


TV Access will distribute “Comply Now, Complain Later” throughout the nation on over 1,800 cable networks and on many major metropolitan TV stations.

The National Police Association

The NPA works to bring national and local attention to recent anti-police efforts challenging effective law enforcement. It seeks to hold anti-police activists and elected officials legally accountable for any abusive actions directed towards the police. The NPA encourages officials to work with the police in the public interest.

The NPA offers rewards for any information offered on specific incidents in which a police officer was stopped from conducting assigned duties or was injured by violence.

The NPA conducts investigations when anti-police activists or elected officials violate ethics or bar association rules. NPA personnel collect documents and use open records laws to prove misconduct.

It also seeks to build public support for needed actions through public service announcements, legal filings, mailings, articles authored for the NPA by law enforcement experts, book publishing, and the NPA Report podcast. National Police Association Report can be seen Sundays at 10:00 AM EST online at PlutoTV CH 244, on app, and anytime on our YouTube channel.

Programs and Initiatives Supported by the National Police Association

  • NPA brings attention to the anti-police efforts challenging effective law enforcement.
  • National Police Association builds public support for needed actions through public service announcements, legal filings, articles authored for the NPA by law enforcement experts 
  • NPA supports the implementation of Project Safe Neighborhoods under the leadership of the Justice Department. This project seeks to prosecute violent organizations.
  • They offer grants to police departments for needed equipment and necessary training.
  • And, they have created the NPA Thank You program which expresses appreciation to the police departments across the nation for everything they do to keep Americans safe.
  • National Police Association urges all police departments to enforce federal immigration laws.
  • NPA supports the implementation of Project Exile, under which all murder cases involving the use of a gun are prosecuted under tougher federal laws.
  • They promote the creation of private and public surveillance networks to prevent crime.
  • National Police Association believes in the implementation of a ‘Broken Windows’ policing policy for all state and local agencies.

Find Out More

For further information about this PSA, the NPA, and the issues involved in the dangers of resisting lawful police orders, visit